Thursday, December 27, 2007

New Order in this past Sunday's Plain Dealer

In the Your Spaces section:

Ask an Expert: Organizing the space in which you live

Text to come!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

In Today's Plain Dealer!

Organizing all that disorganization

Professional organizers bring sanity to those who say clutter is driving them crazy by helping to develop and implement an organizing scheme that is easy to maintain.

"While the industry is relatively new to Cleveland, organizers have been hot in California since the late 1980s", said Deborah Carney, a certified professional organizer and the founder of New Order Organizers in Mentor.

Here's the link.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Get Organized for Christmas

‘Twas several weeks before Christmas, when Santa did mutter:
“Who can find anything amidst all of this clutter?
I’ve got deliveries to make and appointments to keep,
But can barely make progress with papers so deep.
There must be a method, there must be a way.
Why, I’ve heard of some organizers, PTACs, they say
Can work magic with documents, papers, and files.
Their methods are proven, and they eliminate piles.
Ah, PTACs, bring organization, bring order, bring peace
Direct your many talents so my neuroses might cease.
From the top of the inbox to the top of the shelves,
Create efficiency despite those disorganized elves.

Adapted from a poem by Diane Judd, PTAC 12/2006

My New Blog

Hello Everyone!

I am so excited to have my new blog up and running! Check back soon for some great insights into getting your life and business organized. In the meantime, visit my website at